Onsite 7 for Screen-Printing Business Industry

April 26, 2019
OnSite 7: Screen Printing Workflow Software An efficient screen printing workflow software is crucial for a business looking to make orders on time.. For example, the screen printing industry represents ...

OnSite 7: Screen Printing Workflow Software

An efficient screen printing workflow software is crucial for a business looking to make orders on time.. For example, the screen printing industry represents a lot of challenges for various reasons. Customers have very precise requests when they want apparel screen printed. As the business owner, you have to fulfill those requests and meet your customers’ needs as quickly as possible — and with complete accuracy. Here at ShopWorks, we have developed a screen printing workflow software called Onsite 7 that can help you fulfill every order you receive fast and with ease.

Features for Screen-Printers

As a screen printer, you are looking for something special in your business software. In other words, you need more than just an Excel spreadsheet and some formulas. You need workflow software that can help you operate your screen printing business from the time the customer submits an order to the time the order is shipped out—that is what OnSite 7 is for. Here are some of its features:

• Matrix system that lets you enter data at a faster pace and create easy-to-read production forms and orders
• Variables that can be changed for production and design. With the creation of your product-specific formula, you can create tiered pricing structures that allow your customers to save money with larger orders — a win-win situation for you and your customers.
• Saving information about specific orders for future use, which means another order from the same customer is going to be fulfilled that much faster.

There are various other features and benefits of the OnSite 7 screen printing workflow software. Just call us today at ShopWorks and let our representatives tell you more about the advantages of using OnSite 7 Apparel Management Software for your business.

Join the companies who use OnSite to increase productivity by over 15%, saving thousands of dollars each year!

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