OnSite Credit Card Processing

One of the best things you can do to expand your audience is to accept credit card payments. Many smaller companies, in particular, struggle with this because of the extra equipment, software and processing fees that are associated with accepting credit. With OnSite 7 software solutions for businesses, doing this is now easier than ever.

WorqSmart e-authorize v4.0 is a FileMaker plug in which enables communication between Authorize.net and Apparel ERP, sign business software and other systems, allowing you to accept and process credit card transactions as easily as you can accept cash. The authorize.net payment gateway requires two things to run properly and ensure your credit card transactions are completed quickly and securely.

1. First, you must purchase the FileMaker plug-in called “e-authorize.” This is the plug-in that facilitates communication between your system and the payment gateway, and can be purchased from WorkSmart. If you decide to purchase e-authorize, make sure you purchase version 4.0 or higher, or it will not work with your system.

2. Second, you need to set up an authorize.net merchant account and verify with your existing merchant to be sure that they are equipped to process and handle authorize.net payments.

If your business is particularly small and mobile, we also recommend purchasing a smartphone credit card reader. These readers come with apps that allow you to accept credit transactions securely from your phone, and these can make a huge difference in who you are able to serve and how much profit you make.

InkSoft Can Help Grow Your Company

Grow a Successful Screen Printing Business with InkSoft

Studies have shown that 86% of customers today use the Internet to find local businesses and online companies to fulfill their needs. To keep up with your competition, it is essential that you market yourself correctly online. This is something that InkSoft can help you with. This technology integrates seamlessly with your current OnSite 7 system to help you sell customized apparel products online to a growing Internet customer base.

Part of what makes InkSoft such a valuable tool is its design studio, which allows customers to create professional looking custom art at their own convenience when they are placing an order for apparel. They can upload their own art and use it alone in the studio, combine it with studio art or use art that is exclusively found in the studio.

Inksoft also gives you the ability of running company stores and fulfillment options from the same website that your Design Online website uses without having to pay additional fees. Watch the introduction video for our apparel software today for more information.

Learn How to Grow Your Printing Business with OnSite and our successful business tips.

Developed with Promotional Product Managers in Mind

Software for Promotional Product Managers

In order to create the perfect Promotional Product Management software, the experts at ShopWorx have spent years consulting with workers at all levels of the industry. This has allowed us to create software solutions for businesses that truly address the specific needs of the promotional products industry. Here are some of the features of our product manager technology that managers and other workers have found to be the most useful:

• Project managers are able to enter single quantities for promotional items and size matrix for clothing items, allowing more flexibility and specificity. The developers at ShopWorx understand that you need flexibility in entering and tracking different orders and have worked to make that flexibility possible.
• You are able to use industry-pricing codes to calculate prices of orders.
• Creating orders and quotes is easier than ever with integrated SAGE sourcing.
• You are able to track the orders you issue for your sub-contractors or vendors with ease, seeing the project from when it is created through to delivery.

Learn more about our Promotional Product Solutions for Screen Printing Businesses.

5 Tips for Sustainable Apparel Designs

Tips for Sustainable Clothing Business

With all the technology available that works with digital printing systems, it’s not hard to use sustainable processes for your apparel business. These processes make your end product greener, which bodes well for your company’s reputation. Consumers love to purchase green products, and they are better for the environment as a whole. When you decide to implement these processes for making sustainable clothing, you must do it carefully, to implement the changes while still creating a quality product.

1. Know the materials you have to work with. Knowing the impact of each type and brand of materials will help you to determine what offers the least environmental impact, while still creating a quality product. An easy way to do this is by utilizing resources such as the Nike MAKING app.

2. Choose organic or recycled products when you can. Organic products do not impact the environment as much, due to the growing and harvesting process of the materials within the product. For example, organic cotton is grown without using chemicals or pesticides. Recycled products are reused, which means they do not end up in a landfill.

3. Reduce waste when creating products. When creating apparel, reduce the amount of waste by being efficient with the cuttings or other materials. In addition, try to reduce the amount of dyes wasted in the screen printing process.

4. Find out where your materials come from. See if those products are from sustainable resources. Use green products when and where you can.

5. Know your dyeing and printing methods. Dyeing wastes tons of liters of water each year. Reduce the amount of water used, or select a different method of dyeing. Digital printing is a good way to reduce the water usage over time.

For more information on sustainable clothing practices, contact us at ShopWorks.

Customer Interface with Business Software

One of the biggest benefits of utilizing software solutions for businesses such as comprehensive on site software and information services, like ShopWorx, is that they make communication so much easier, both between members of your company and between your company and customers.

Since software can help facilitate 100 conversations as easily as it can help facilitate two, it doesn’t slow down when there is heavier traffic on your site or your email. An automated system can also take care of many frequently asked questions, as well, freeing up your staff members who used to field such mundane requests to do other, more important tasks.

Software systems, particularly those that run the website with which your customer interfaces, allow you to present a face for your company that is much more consistent than if you ran it manually. It is able to respond to customers needs more quickly, update more regularly, and make sure that customers receive the same great service every time they visit your page.

If you are looking to prioritize these functions, you should consider adding InkSoft to your system. This program integrates seamlessly with your main ShopWorx system and creates a Design Studio with full art design capabilities with which your customers can interface. Through InkSoft, customers can create designs based on their own images, clip art images or drawn images, and can save or export designs. You can also proof designs with your customers through this site. The site they work with is always professional, complete and user-friendly, meaning they have a consistently satisfactory experience.

Components of a Successful Ad

How to Make a Successful Ad

For an advertisement to be successful, all of its components need to work together smoothly to accomplish an end goal. Here are some of the key elements of a print advertisement and some ways you can help them to work cohesively:

1. Artwork: The artwork is perhaps the most important part of an advertisement. This is the first part of your ad that potential customers will see, and it is what will draw them in to read the other elements of your ad. This category includes drawings, photographs, graphics and any other purely visual elements. If you have a sign business software or digital printing systems, you can likely use your system to design these. Make sure your visuals are simple, and if they are more cluttered, make sure the objects pictured are organized. They should be readable from a long distance away.

2. Body: This is the main text that you include on your ad, and it should work with the artwork to create a cohesive message. Many ads are minimalist, when it comes to text, because your ad should ultimately lure your customers onto your website or into your store. The text should give just enough information to draw customers in further.

3. Title: The title on your ad is the second most important element, and should be clear, concise, and should draw potential customers in even further. Try issuing a simple challenge, or posing a short question, for something a little different. Either way, make sure it makes sense with the rest of the ad. Also, be sure to save your ads in your software solutions for business systems so that you can access them in the future.

Authorize.net Integration

Authorize.net Integration – Payment Software Solution

Once you have taken care of your financing options for purchasing ShopWorx, you need to make sure you can offer your customers viable purchasing options as well, no matter what size business you own. While accepting credit may seem impossible if you own a small or medium-sized business, improving technologies have made this a very viable option. Enter OnSite’s Authorize.net integration.

OnSite 7 now has the ability to directly process credit card transactions by using the Authorize.net payment gateway directly, allowing you to accept credit cards quickly and with ease. There are two requirements to access this feature. These are:

1. An Authorize.net merchant account, which you can set up with WorqSmart, eCom Merchant Solutions Inc., or Elavon. You can also check with your existing merchant to see if they are able to handle these transactions.
2. A FileMaker plug-in called e-authorize is also required. This allows ShopWorx OnSite to communicate with the payment gateway directly, and can be purchased from WorqSmart.

WorqSmart e-authorize v4.0 is a FileMaker plug in that integrates seamlessly with OnSite 7 systems to communicate with the Authorize.net gateway, and makes credit card transactions possible even for small- and medium-sized businesses.

With so few people carrying cash today, it is vital that you accept plastic in order to continue growing as a business. While there are many options for accepting these payments, including square readers that plug directly into your phone or tablet, the best option is one that runs through your apparel ERP or sign business software system, as it is secure and consolidated. Make sure you research the different software solutions for business and invest in the ones you think are best able to further your company

Pre-Recorded Webinars are Available

Free Pre-Recorded Webinars

If you own and operate, or are considering using OnSite 7, and would like to increase your staff’s efficiency with your software solutions for business, there are several options for education that are available to you. One of the most convenient training options is having your staff watch pre-recorded webinars. There are programs available on many different topics, both comprehensive, and more specific. Here are a few of the pre-recorded Webinars that clients have found to be useful, in the past.

• Production Touch Screen Interfaces: This webinar helps you learn how to enable your production staff to learn how to work with your OnSite system by using touch screen monitors and simpler interfaces. Like several other webinars, this one helps you learn about opportunities that you may not even realize are open to you.

OnSite 7 SAGE Integration: Participants in this webinar will learn how OnSite 7 can integrate with SAGE and will become acquainted with the benefits that SAGE has to offer. SAGE offers product details, pricing options, vendor information storage options, and more, that can be pulled into OnSite automatically, and which eliminate double data entry — and thus, is a very useful program to use and be familiar with.

• OnSite 7 Efficient Purchasing: Participants in this webinar learn how OnSite 7 streamlines the purchasing department at your company, whether you are using the Apparel ERP software or sign business software, or you are using OnSite 7 for another purpose. It helps your employees learn how to gain tighter control of your company’s goods costs and purchasing processes.